Steve & Sheila Cochrane
Steve and Sheila moved to Kenton in October 2011 and Steve was inducted as the Minister of Kenton Baptist Church on Saturday 5th November. Steve writes “I was brought up in a non-Christian home, and in 1989 after listening to the Gospel message by Dr. Billy Graham, I realised how much more there was to life, and a simple first step towards the relationship God had always wanted for me, was only a prayer away. I responded positively to the call, and experienced an immediate desire to know him more by accepting Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour.”

Steve spent nearly 20 years in secular employment before training for Christian ministry, first in the Methodist Church and then in the Baptist denomination. He and Sheila have worked a lot with young people as well as congregations of all ages. Both are gifted musically, singing and playing guitar. They especially enjoy spending time with their children and grandchildren when they can.
Steve says “We have a strong desire to see the Church built up and our society transformed by the love of God. Since becoming Christians our greatest desire has been to see other people find a living faith, freedom in Christ and a joy in discipleship."
Testimony of God's healing power from Pastor Steve and Sheila:
Late last year, Steve was diagnosed with a tumour in his bladder. He attended hospital to have a biopsy. On the day of the operation, he was told they intended to remove the tumour, the redness on the walls of the bladder and to administer a chemo wash, which may have reduced the size of his bladder. If necessary, the worst case scenario would be the complete removal of his bladder. We were shocked at this news, but trusted God. The entire church came together to pray and call on the Lord during this time and prayer cover was arranged for the entire time Steve was in hospital.
When Steve came round after the operation, the surgeon rushed up to him, quickly removed his bandana and holding Steve by the shoulder, he said;
“Mr Cochrane, we don’t understand this, but when we looked inside, there was no tumour and no redness, so I haven’t done anything – you are free to go home……I can’t explain it!”
Steve said. “I can. It’s a miracle!” He shared with the surgeon how God healed our daughter Sarah from seven tumours two years ago and said,
“What God has done for my daughter, He has done for me.”
Back on the ward, another surgeon came to Steve with a doctor. He said’
“Mr Cochrane? I was in theatre with my colleagues and we had up on the screen the picture of the inside of your bladder, clearly showing the tumour and redness. We also had the live camera feed inside you. It’s as though you have been given a brand new bladder and we don’t understand it!”
Steve shared with them about Sarah and again, how this is a miracle and they have all been a part of it happening. The Surgeon said, “I believe in logic’.
The other doctor stepped back, smiled and raised his thumbs up, nodding. The surgeon discharged Steve there and then with no further follow-up. God is so good and we give Him all the glory.
Since then we have had multiple opportunities to share this miracle with so many people. We use the word ‘Testimony’, meaning that what God has done through faith filled prayers, He will do again. We have seen many people at church also healed from tumours during the same time period and since. God is clearly moving amongst us and is demonstrating that He is God of the impossible.
For another testimony, click this video to hear how our church reacted to hearing that God had answered prayer and healed Steve and Sheila's daughter!